

Store Features that Emotionally Connect with Your Shoppers

Features & Feature walls are a great way to connect with your shoppers and your community through “placemaking.” Time and again we see that emotional connections are important behavioral drivers, and by featuring something iconic - think mascot, insignia, or things that are larger [...]

By |May 15th, 2023|Categories: ICBA Blog - General|Comments Off on Store Features that Emotionally Connect with Your Shoppers

Success Stories: ICSR 2021 Award Winners Share the Secrets to their Award-winning Success

The annual Independent College Stores Report - ISCR - is a joint effort between ICBA and the Large Stores Group (LSG). Resulting from data collected via the ICSR survey, the Report is a great benchmarking tool, including both financial & operational survey questions. Each year and based [...]

By |March 21st, 2023|Categories: ICBA Blog - General|Comments Off on Success Stories: ICSR 2021 Award Winners Share the Secrets to their Award-winning Success

Concerning Nebraska Book Company Ceasing Operations Effective Wednesday, March 1

With the major industry news that Nebraska Book Company is ceasing operations Wednesday, March 1, ICBA intends to provide updates from Nebraska Book Company as they become available, as well as information on alternative solutions to our Members as it is available. ICBA is saddened by these developments and [...]

By |February 28th, 2023|Categories: ICBA Blog - General|Comments Off on Concerning Nebraska Book Company Ceasing Operations Effective Wednesday, March 1

Excitement’s Building; Why You Should Attend ICBA 2023 Conference & PRIMEtime

A week and a half into registration, both Store Members and Conference Exhibitors are registering at an early, healthy clip! There are lots of reasons to attend ICBA 2023 Conference & PRIMEtime, Feb 6-9 at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas! Watch the video below to see [...]

By |September 23rd, 2022|Categories: ICBA Blog - General|Comments Off on Excitement’s Building; Why You Should Attend ICBA 2023 Conference & PRIMEtime

Dive into Great, Curated “Back to Basics” Marketing Advice

In this post, we’ve aggregated three great articles for you that strategize on specific digital marketing tactics. All three guides are from the folks at Orbit Media. If that name sounds familiar, Orbit Media’s co-founder and Strategic Director Andy Crestodina has spoken in the Marketing Track at several ICBA [...]

By |July 13th, 2022|Categories: ICBA Blog - General|Comments Off on Dive into Great, Curated “Back to Basics” Marketing Advice

10 Great Podcasts – Retail, Marketing, NIL & More

From tactics to trends, there’s no shortage of podcasts that dive into all areas of marketing & retail. Here’s some of what we’re listening to -- from NIL (Name Image Likeness) and retail marketing to diversity & inclusion, Big Brand headlines, digital strategy, and the Metaverse. Whether these fit [...]

By |May 10th, 2022|Categories: ICBA Blog - General|Comments Off on 10 Great Podcasts – Retail, Marketing, NIL & More
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