

At ICBA, our greatest asset is our Members. ICBA Members are industry thought leaders—dedicated to understanding what’s behind industry change, passionate about the college store business, and not afraid to change. That’s why ICBA puts a strong emphasis on networking and peer-to-peer learning opportunities. Throughout the year, ICBA facilitates opportunities for our Members to “meet,” whether in person or virtually, to discuss the pressing topics of the day.

A NEW component of our Networking is the Content Expert Referral Network, or CERN - which you can read about further below. CERN "Experts" are Member Store personnel who are knowledgeable about a specific topic/area and make themselves available to other Members for questions or guidance. See our current CERN topics below--you can always reach out to us to connect with an Expert - or to volunteer to become one!



ICBA's Content Expert Referral Network - or CERN - is here for Members' questions! CERN is an updated roster of Member Store personnel ready to connect as guides and sounding boards for various topical areas across the range of store operational and marketing strategies/tactics. We are building the database of CERN experts starting with these topics below, with an eye to increasing its breadth and depth as inquiries (and volunteers!) come in. More topics may be added.

With these ready resources - and just like always - ICBA peer Members are eager to help and lend expertise when fellow Members have questions. If you have a question for a peer, let us know - or if you'd like to volunteer to contribute answers or topical guidance, please let us know!

Reach out to us anytime at Office@ICBAinc.com. We are independent and stronger together!

CERN Topics
Student Ambassadors
Marketing - email, geolocation ads
Course Materials - general, EA/IA
Visual Merchandising
General Books
Tech Products
POS Systems
Social media - general, TikTok, social commerce