Shop thousands of product lines across hot-selling categories to stay abreast of key trends and find desired products for your target customers! Take advantage of market-only specials along with making connections with retail experts and finding areas to better your business. There are three different Buyer trip opportunities through June and July, with each of […]
ICBA will exhibit and speak at the annual meeting of National Association of College and University Business Officers. On Monday, July 17, ICBA CEO Jon Bibo delivers the Monday TECHTalk “Driving the Affordability of Course Materials to Support Student Success.” Jon speaks from 1:35PM - 2:05PM on Mon, July 17. Jon will share the latest […]
Shop thousands of product lines across hot-selling categories to stay abreast of key trends and find desired products for your target customers! Take advantage of market-only specials along with making connections with retail experts and finding areas to better your business. There are three different Buyer trip opportunities through June and July, with each of […]
In this webinar available for both NACS Members as well as ICBA Members and other aligned associations, the government relations staff of NACS will provide a comprehensive analysis of the key recent federal and state policy activities and what impact those results will likely have on campus stores, course materials, higher education. Thanks to NACS [...]