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Shop thousands of product lines across hot-selling categories to stay abreast of key trends and find desired products for your target customers! Take advantage of market-only specials along with making connections with retail experts and finding areas to better your business. There are three different Buyer trip opportunities through June and July, with each of these ICBA Buyer experiences including the following:

  • ICBA will host a Pre-Market 30-minute Webinar with participating Buyers.
  • ICBA will host Buyers (space limited) with on-site market overview, ICBA Buyer Networking, and a coordinated tour to nurture product categories, plus more.
  • IMC is pleased to provide 1-2 nights complimentary hotel (depending on the market).

There are limited space and incentives - contact Denise Walsh at DeniseWalsh@ICBAinc.com by May 22 to reserve a spot.

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