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Presented by Verba | VitalSource:

Rentals and digital changed your balance sheet, and EA will too - in a good way. Our program pricing tool and advanced analysis enable you to predict the impact EA can have on your bottom line and provides a starting point as you evaluate the next steps in course material delivery. In this webinar we’ll cover:

• EA’s impact to the stores bottom line
• Key metrics/KPI’s for EA
• Staffing & operational considerations
• Maximizing revenues and minimizing costs/risk
• How stores have navigated this journey successfully

Join our experienced team for an interactive discussion about the economics of Equitable Access and why it’s a realistic, and practical, solution for Indie stores.

This free webinar presented by Verba by VitalSource is exclusively for ICBA Members and contains a mix of educational and commercial content.

NOTE: ICBA Members, if you don't see the registration link below, check that you are logged in. You can then find the registration link below or access it via your Member Dashboard.

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