Each year, the ICSR Awards Committee reviews ICSR Survey results in each product category and identifies stores that have achieved sustained high performance. The Awards Committee considers sales, gross margin, inventory turns, and other key performance metrics. The Committee also interviews the management teams at these high performing stores to get additional insight into strategies and decisions that led to success. The ICSR Awards are announced and award-winning stores are recognized at the Annual ICBA Conference.
Excellence in Course Materials Management
BYU Idaho, University Store
From 2014-15 to 2018-19:
- Increased overall sales by 26%
- Consistently increased every year for 5 years
- Inventory turns up 250% to 5.5
- Used Books up 214%

Outstanding Insignia Product Performance

University of San Diego, UC San Diego Bookstore
From 2014-15 to 2018-19:
- Increased insignia product sales 75% over 5 years
- Increased insignia product sales 21% over 1 year
- Margin in excess of 46% all five years
Excellence in Technology Product Management
Auburn University, Auburn University Bookstore
From 2014-15 to 2018-19:
- Increased technology product sales 41% over 5 years
- Increased margin
- Increased turns

Excellence in Store Management

University of Manitoba, Font Garry Bookstore
From 2014-15 to 2018-19:
- Increased Insignia sales over 5 years
- Increased Supply sales over 5 years
- Increased Technology sales by 11% over 5 years
- Decreased expenses by 22% over 5 years
- Corresponding Net Income Increase of $600,000
California State University Long Beach, Long Beach State University Bookstore
From 2014-15 to 2018-19:
- Increased Insignia sales by 26% over 5 years
- Increased Supply sales by 23% over 5 years
- Increased Technology sales by 19% over 5 years
- Decreased expenses by 8% over 5 years