Independent College Bookstore Association Supporting Independent College Stores Since 1927 Independent College Bookstore Association Supporting Independent College Stores Since 1927 Independent College Bookstore Association Supporting Independent College Stores Since 1927 Independent College Bookstore Association Supporting Independent College Stores Since 1927 Independent College Bookstore Association Supporting Independent College Stores Since 1927 Independent College Bookstore Association Supporting Independent College Stores Since 1927 Independent College Bookstore Association Supporting Independent College Stores Since 1927 Independent College Bookstore Association Supporting Independent College Stores Since 1927 Independent College Bookstore Association Supporting Independent College Stores Since 1927

"Strong.  Successful.  Independent.  Together."

ICBA provides Education, Networking, and Vendor Programs that empower college stores to remain independent and be both financially and operationally successful.

ICBA Conference & PRIMEtime

ICBA Conference attendees have access to:

  • The strongest solution-oriented professional development education in the industry
  • Exclusive institutional store networking and collaboration
  • PRIMEtime round-robin format which builds relationships with 120+ industry-leading vendors
  • Scholarship opportunities for free registration as well as airfare reimbursement of up to $500

We're pleased to share our site and dates for the ICBA 2026 Conference & PRIMEtime: the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront, Feb 2-5, 2026. Hope to see you in Jacksonville, FL!