ICBA’s educational institutes offer a comprehensive, immersive examination of pressing industry topics. Through a combination of professional development lectures, case studies, and collaborative learning, our students gain an in-depth understanding of the issues facing college stores and leave with knowledge that can immediately be put into action. ICBA Institutes are held in person in the days leading up to our annual Conference.

Gain a practical understanding of the shifting landscape of today’s college store

Develop skills to help you make better-informed business decisions

Design well-informed strategies that address the needs of today’s students

Re-define the parameters of success
The ICBA General Merchandise Buyers Institute (GMBI) features 9+ hours of intense programming on multiple aspects of General Merchandise buying, including assortment planning, financial planning, vendor relations, visual merchandising, marketing, pricing strategies, and more.
Key Modules:
The ICBA Visual Merchandising Institute offers powerful, real-life content focused on practical application of Visual Merchandising techniques. The program consists of a series of modules and alternates between presentations and hands-on workshops. Students learn the important role Virtual Merchandising plays as “secret salesperson,” reinforcing the fundamentals of traditional visual merchandising, while incorporating new digital marketing concepts, technologies, and methodologies.
Key Modules:
The ICBA Course Materials Institute focuses on providing a practical understanding of the changing course materials landscape, developing new skill sets, and pragmatically re-defining the parameters of success. The Course Materials Institute features the content that is most relevant to today’s Course Materials buyer/manager as presented by industry experts.
Key Modules:
The ICBA Apparel Institute provides a comprehensive educational experience for Apparel Buyers at all skill levels. Featuring over 15 hours of content, workshops, and case studies, the Apparel Institute focuses on what Buyers need to know to Strengthen and Enhance their professional development, merchant skills, and overall operation.
Key Modules: