RENEWAL - Members, click HERE to renew your Membership for the 2025 fiscal year (or for two years with a discount!).
Independent College Bookstore Association Member stores are committed, engaged, successful, innovative, and ethical. If you aspire to these same standards, we invite you to join us.
Annual ICBA Membership runs on an academic year cycle, July through June. Membership may be started at any time.
We offer two membership categories: ICBA Membership (aka Full Membership) and Affiliate Membership.
ICBA Annual Vendor Partner Programs provide advantageous group pricing to save stores money and improve their operations. As a solution for stores looking primarily for advantageous buying programs, ICBA has created an Affiliate Membership. To determine which Membership Category best meets your store’s needs, see the chart below or contact the ICBA Staff at 800-888-9222 or

The ICBA Membership year runs July 1 through June 30. Dues are based on your store’s annual sales. For New Members electing to activate their ICBA Membership before July 1, Membership will be pro-rated at a monthly rate plus the full year dues as shown below. Note that there are different pricing tiers for stores in the U.S. and Canada, and they are outlined in separate charts below.

ICBA offers a wide variety of programs, and a large number of these programs are available to Canadian stores. Since not all are available in Canada, Canadian stores are invited to join ICBA at a reduced rate. Affiliate Membership, which is based primarily on the ICBA buying programs, is only available to U.S. stores.

*Note: Dues shown are in U.S. Dollars.